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3 matching horse(s).

Name DOB Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Tasnim Al Habiba 20 Jan 2015 Mouadaar BKV Makers Glory Mohammad Zaidan Jehad Barouti
7th Fillies born in 2015 Palestinian Nationals 14/Dec/2018 View Scorecard »

Score Card

R.P. F.S. E.J.
TYPE 18.50 18.50 18.50
H&N 18.50 18.50 18.50
B&T 18.50 17.50 18.50
LEGS 15.50 15.50 16.00
MOVE 18.50 18.50 19.00





R.P. Richard Petty, US
F.S. Fausto Scanzi, IT
E.J. Emrys Jones, GB

Horse Information

D.O.B 20 Jan 2015 Breeder Jehad Barouti
Color Owner Mohammad Zaidan
Sire Mouadaar BKV Handler
Dam Makers Glory
Al Habib 29 Oct 2018 SUNDOWN K.A. HABIBA Salem Nasser & Majid Al Sheikh Sliman Salem Nasser & Majid Al Sheikh Sliman
4th Yearling Colts B 12th Palestinian C International Championship 15/Nov/2019 View Scorecard »

Score Card

G.S. J.B. K.D. T.T.
TYPE 18.50 19.00 19.00 19.00
H&N 18.00 19.00 18.50 19.00
B&T 17.50 18.00 17.50 18.00
LEGS 15.50 15.50 15.50 16.00
MOVE 18.50 19.00 19.00 19.00





G.S. Graham Smith, AU
J.B. Jerzy Bialobok, PL
K.D. Koenraad Detailleur, BE
T.T. Tomasz Tarczynski, PL

Horse Information

AL HABIB 28 Jan 2019 SUN DOWN HABIBA Yazan Eghbarieh - Um El Fahhem Housam Kananeh
7th Colts 3 years old A The 14th Palestinian National Show 03/Nov/2022 View Scorecard »

Score Card

B.F. J.E. J.C. K.D.
TYPE 18 18.5 18.5 17.5
H&N 18.5 18.5 18 17.5
BODY 18 17.5 18 17.5
LEGS 15 15 15.5 15.5
MOVE 19 18.5 18.5 18.5





B.F. Bérengère Fayt, FR
J.E. Josy Everars, BE
J.C. Janet Court, GB
K.D. Koenraad Detailleur, BE

Horse Information

D.O.B 28 Jan 2019 Breeder Housam Kananeh
Color Owner Yazan Eghbarieh - Um El Fahhem
Sire SUN DOWN Handler

0 matching breeder(s).

0 matching sire(s).

1 matching dam(s).

Name DOB Sire Dam Owner Breeder
TABARI AL GADIR 07 Mar 2005 Maamoun Tarik Al Habiba Al Gadir Arabians Al Gadir Arabians
2nd Stallions 6 years & over 3. Arabian Impressions 20/Aug/2011 No scorecard available

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