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0 matching show(s).

1 matching horse(s).

Name DOB Sire Dam Owner Breeder
ALI KHALIL 10 Feb 1993 Carmargue** Liana El Shaklan Hickford Prothero
2nd Colts 3 years old UK Int. Arab Horse Show (UKIAHS) 31/Aug/1996 No scorecard available
2nd Colts 3 years old North West Regional 04/May/1996 No scorecard available
2nd Colts 3 years old Northern Arabian Horse Show 15/Jun/1996 No scorecard available
2nd Junior Male Championship Northern Arabian Horse Show 15/Jun/1996 No scorecard available
3rd Stallions 5 years old Northern Arabian Horse Show 13/Jun/1998 No scorecard available
2nd Colts 3 years old B British Nationals 25/Jul/1996 No scorecard available
2nd Stallions 4-6 years old North West Regional 02/May/1998 No scorecard available

1 matching owner(s).

Name DOB Sire Dam Owner Breeder
MUNDHER AL RAYES 13 Oct 2013 Gazal Elkhaleej Aali Jasmin Ali Khalil Ali Khalil

1 matching breeder(s).

Name DOB Sire Dam Owner Breeder
MUNDHER AL RAYES 13 Oct 2013 Gazal Elkhaleej Aali Jasmin Ali Khalil Ali Khalil

4 matching sire(s).

Name DOB Sire Dam Owner Breeder
AJA NASALIA 17 May 1997 Ali Khalil Nasika Curtis Hickford
1st Fillies 2 years old Northern Show AHS 19/Jun/1999 No scorecard available
2nd Junior Female Championship Northern Show AHS 19/Jun/1999 No scorecard available
1st Fillies 2 years old A The AHS National Show, Three Counties Showground 29/Jul/1999 No scorecard available
5th Mares 4-5 years old 19th All Nations Cup 29/Aug/2001 No scorecard available
2nd Mares 4 years & over A AHS National Show 01/Aug/2002 No scorecard available
3rd Mares 4 years & over A South East Regional Arab Horse Show 22/Jun/2002 No scorecard available
1st Mares 4-6 years old Wales & West Arab Show 27/May/2002 No scorecard available
1st Senior Female Championship Wales & West Arab Show 27/May/2002 No scorecard available
1st Mares 4 years & over (with foal at foot) South East Arabian Horse Show, Summer "C" Show 22/Aug/2009 No scorecard available
Bronze Senior Female Championship South East Arabian Horse Show, Summer "C" Show 22/Aug/2009 No scorecard available
3rd Mares 4 years & over Wessex Arabian Horse Show 10/Jun/2007 No scorecard available
RAJI 11 May 1996 Ali Khalil Om El Aluna Dawn Prothero
2nd Colts 3 years old Northern Show AHS 19/Jun/1999 No scorecard available
2nd Junior Male Championship The AHS National Show, Three Counties Showground 29/Jul/1999 No scorecard available
3rd Stallions 4-6 years old Intern. B Show 25/May/2002 No scorecard available
3rd Stallions 6-7 years old European Championships 02/Nov/2002 No scorecard available
5th Stallions 6-7 years old Elran Cup 10/Aug/2002 No scorecard available
4th Stallions 6-8 years old Intern. Ostbayern-Schau 14/Sep/2002 No scorecard available
2nd Stallions 7 years & over North West Regional AHS 01/May/2004 No scorecard available
1st Stallions 7 years & over Championnat de France 28/Aug/2004 No scorecard available
2nd Senior Male Championship Championnat de France 28/Aug/2004 No scorecard available
2nd Stallions 7 years & over Championnat de France 27/Aug/2005 No scorecard available
1st Colts 2 years old Northern Arabian Horse Show 13/Jun/1998 No scorecard available
SHAMILA AMIRA 12 Mar 2000 Ali Khalil Gabrymmal Robertson Robertson
3rd Mares 4 years & over (with foal at foot) Northern Group AHS 08/Aug/2004 No scorecard available
2nd Mares 4 years & over Scottish Arabian and Light Horse Annual Show 14/Jun/2014 No scorecard available
Silver Senior Female Championship Scottish Arabian and Light Horse Annual Show 14/Jun/2014 No scorecard available
6th Ridden: Mares UKIAHS 23/Aug/2014 View Scorecard »

Score Card

TYPE 17.00
CONF 17.00
M&P 14.00
RIDE 16.00





A Judge Panel,

Horse Information

D.O.B 11 Mar 2000 Breeder MRS J. ROBERTSON
Color Bay Owner MRS J. ROBERTSON
Sire ALI KHALIL Handler

0 matching dam(s).

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0 matching album(s).