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0 matching show(s).

1 matching horse(s).

Name DOB Sire Dam Owner Breeder
ANKH 21 Feb 1997 Crusader*** Azz El Kheil Bisan Maxwell
3rd Mares 4-5 years old Israeli Nationals 26/Oct/2002 No scorecard available
1st Mares 6-8 years old Festival of the Arabian Horse 07/Jun/2003 No scorecard available
3rd Mares 6-9 years old Festival of the Arabian Horse 22/May/2004 No scorecard available

0 matching owner(s).

0 matching breeder(s).

0 matching sire(s).

2 matching dam(s).

Name DOB Sire Dam Owner Breeder
EZZ EL KHEIL 05 Apr 2003 The Legend Ankh Amgad Bissan Maxwell
2nd Colts 1 year old Spring show 17/Apr/2004 No scorecard available
AVALON MAGMA MOON 09 Jan 2012 Ajman Moniscione** Anankha SH Black Arabians Hervieu
2nd Fillies 1 year old Normandic Arabian Festival 06/Apr/2013 No scorecard available
Bronze Junior Female Championship Normandic Arabian Festival 06/Apr/2013 No scorecard available
3rd Fillies 1 year old Concours National de Toulouse 04/May/2013 No scorecard available
5th Fillies 1 year old Arabian Masters 09/May/2013 No scorecard available
2nd Fillies 2 years old Normandie Arabian Festival 12/Apr/2014 No scorecard available

0 matching officials.

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0 matching album(s).