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1 matching horse(s).

Name DOB Sire Dam Owner Breeder
DHUISY MABEDAH 14 Apr 2017 AASA SHAH ABED SHAH MAHTAB Mme and M. JP Bister Mme and M. JP Bister
5th Fillies 3 years old Championnat de France du Cheval Arabe 15/Aug/2020 View Scorecard »

Score Card

K.D. R.D. M.V. M.V.
TYPE 18 18 18 18.5
HEAD 18 17.5 18 18.5
NECK 18 17.5 18 18
B&T 18 18 17.5 18.5
LEGS 15.5 15 15 16
MOVE 18 18 18 18.5





K.D. Koenraad Detailleur, BE
R.D. Robbie den Hartog, NL
M.V. Martine van Hee, BE
M.V. Marc Veray, FR

Horse Information

D.O.B 14 Apr 2017 Breeder Mme and M. JP Bister
Color chestnut Owner Mme and M. JP Bister
Sire AASA SHAH ABED Handler Marianne Bister

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