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1 matching horse(s).

Name DOB Sire Dam Owner Breeder
GAWHARET AL HANAFI 15 Jan 2001 Tallahsman Morgana Al Gabry Al Hanafi
4th Fillies 2 years old The Egyptian Nationals 12/Oct/2003 No scorecard available
5th Fillies 3 years old Intern. B show 30/Sep/2004 No scorecard available
1st Mares 7-9 years old The Egyptian National Arabian Horse Championship 08/Apr/2010 No scorecard available
Gold Senior Female Championship The Egyptian National Arabian Horse Championship 08/Apr/2010 No scorecard available
3rd Mares 7 years & over Rabab Championship 27/Oct/2011 No scorecard available
Bronze Senior Female Championship The Egyptian National Arabian Horse Championships 06/Apr/2012 No scorecard available

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