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1 matching horse(s).

Name DOB Sire Dam Owner Breeder
JUDALS MIAMARA 01 Jan 2004 Ruger AMW TFA Mira Pyrah & Hunt Pyrah & Hunt
3rd Fillies 1 year old The Classic Arabian Show 10/Jul/2005 No scorecard available

0 matching owner(s).

0 matching breeder(s).

0 matching sire(s).

1 matching dam(s).

Name DOB Sire Dam Owner Breeder
MONESTIA CAS 26 May 2011 Monescocia Judals Miamara Mitchell Mitchell
1st Fillies 3 years old The Classic Show 17/May/2014 No scorecard available
2nd Fillies 3 years old Midland Arabian Festival 29/Jun/2014 No scorecard available
2nd Fillies 3 years old NWAHO 07/Jun/2014 No scorecard available

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