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2 matching horse(s).

Name DOB Sire Dam Owner Breeder
KAZEER 19 Jun 1989 Zircon Nazeer* Sunlea Karanina Clyma Ware
3rd Geldings 4 years old & over South of England 10/Jun/1999 No scorecard available
1st Geldings 4 years old & over S.E. Reg. Group AHS, South of England Show 03/Jul/1999 No scorecard available
4th Geldings The AHS National Show, Three Counties Showground 29/Jul/1999 No scorecard available
2nd Geldings 4 years old & over South of England 05/Jun/2003 No scorecard available
3rd Veteran Geldings AHS British National Championships 27/Jul/2006 No scorecard available
ARAMIS KAZEER 20 May 1984 Mehzeer Kazminta Jaundrell Horsfield
5th Veteran Geldings AHS National Show 01/Aug/2002 No scorecard available

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