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4 matching sire(s).

Name DOB Sire Dam Owner Breeder
HAIBA 01 Jan 2003 KZ Abbir Asfura Al Hadi Al Hadi
3rd Fillies 1 year old Festival of the Arabian Horse 22/May/2004 No scorecard available
2nd Fillies 3 years old Festival Arabian Horse Galilee 03/Jun/2006 No scorecard available
HAYBA 14 Feb 2003 KZ Abbir Asfura Nader Nader
3rd Fillies 2 years old Festival Arabian Horse, Western Galilee 07/May/2005 No scorecard available
ALIFA BINT KHALIFA 26 Sep 2007 KZ Abbir Khalifa Antar Shadafne
3rd Mares 5-6 years old Galilee Show 15/Jun/2013 No scorecard available
BAREK AL ABBIR 28 Feb 2009 KZ Abbir Bayader Jizar Al Hadi Nader
4th Colts 1 year old A National Show 15/Oct/2010 No scorecard available

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