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1 matching horse(s).

Name DOB Sire Dam Owner Breeder
LAG VEREDA 26 Mar 2000 Arabian Beauty** Adal Umbria La Gerencia La Gerencia
5th Fillies 2 years old Arabes and Co 26/Apr/2002 No scorecard available
3rd Mares 4-6 years old Arabes&Co 01/May/2004 No scorecard available
4th Mares 7-9 years old ARABESandCO XV 06/Jun/2009 No scorecard available
5th Mares 7-9 years old ARABES & Co IX edition 31/May/2008 No scorecard available
4th Mares 4-6 years old Arabes and Co 07/May/2005 No scorecard available
2nd Mares 10 years & over ARABES & CO XVII edition 28/May/2011 No scorecard available
3rd Mares 10 years & over Arabes & Co., XIX. Edition 18/May/2013 No scorecard available
3rd Mares 10 years & over ARABES & CO XVII edition 02/Jun/2012 No scorecard available

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