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0 matching show(s).

2 matching horse(s).

Name DOB Sire Dam Owner Breeder
ABHA LORENA 01 Jan 2002 El Perfecto* ZT Ludjakalba Asier Gomez Salas
5th Fillies 1 year old Arabes&Co 25/Apr/2003 No scorecard available
4th Fillies 1 year old Spanish Nationals 19/Sep/2003 No scorecard available
3rd Fillies 2 years old Arabes&Co 01/May/2004 No scorecard available
1st Fillies 2 years old XXV. Spanish Nationals 01/Oct/2004 No scorecard available
Ridden: M&G European Amateur Cup 27/Apr/2014 No scorecard available

0 matching owner(s).

0 matching breeder(s).

0 matching sire(s).

5 matching dam(s).

Name DOB Sire Dam Owner Breeder
FORDA 21 Jan 1998 Batyskaf Florena Stigler Bialka
2nd Fillies 2-3 years old Intern. B Show 02/Jun/2001 No scorecard available
2nd Junior Female Championship Intern. B Show 02/Jun/2001 No scorecard available
1st Fillies 3 years old 51. Fiera Zootecnica 27/Jul/2001 No scorecard available
1st Junior Female Championship 51. Fiera Zootecnica 27/Jul/2001 No scorecard available
4th Fillies 3 years old European Championships 03/Nov/2001 No scorecard available
5th Fillies 3 years old XXXV. Mostra Nazionale del Cavallo 09/Sep/2001 No scorecard available
3rd Mares 8 years & over Malpensa Fiera and Agrivarese Show 24/Mar/2007 No scorecard available
3rd Mares 8 years & over Royal Bath and West Show 24/Mar/2007 No scorecard available
FLORENCJA 14 Apr 2000 Oset Florena Wojtowicz PW Halex
3rd Mares 7 years & over Autumn National C Show 08/Sep/2007 No scorecard available
3rd Mares 10 years & over Prague Intercup 02/Sep/2012 No scorecard available
2nd Mares 7 years & over Polska Arabia II 29/Jun/2013 No scorecard available
ABHA SALINA 28 May 2009 Alfabia Al Bustan Abha Lorena Salas Salas
1st Fillies 2 years old XXXII National Championship 17/Sep/2011 No scorecard available
1st Fillies 1 year old ARABES & CO XVI edition 05/Jun/2010 No scorecard available
3rd Fillies 3 years old XXXIII National Championship 15/Sep/2012 No scorecard available
ABHA YADIDAH 09 Feb 2013 Alfabia Bustan Abha Lorena Salas Salas
5th Fillies 1 year old XXXV. National Championships 04/Oct/2014 No scorecard available
ABVHA SALINA 28 May 2009 Alfabia Al Bustan Abha Lorena Salas Salas
2nd Fillies 1 year old XXXI National Champiosnhip 18/Sep/2010 No scorecard available

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