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0 matching show(s).

1 matching horse(s).

Name DOB Sire Dam Owner Breeder
MADJAR 01 Jan 1994 Drug Martinika Tersk Tersk
1st Stallions 9 years & over St. Petersburg Open C Show 03/Apr/2004 No scorecard available
1st Senior Male Championship St. Petersburg Open C Show 03/Apr/2004 No scorecard available
1st Stallions 4 years & over Russian National Championships 23/Aug/2008 No scorecard available
1st Senior Male Championship Russian National Championships 23/Aug/2008 No scorecard available

0 matching owner(s).

0 matching breeder(s).

3 matching sire(s).

Name DOB Sire Dam Owner Breeder
MODEM 17 Feb 1999 Madjar Marica Regutec sro Tersk
1st Stallions 4-6 years old French Nationals 01/Sep/2001 No scorecard available
1st Senior Male Championship French Nationals 01/Sep/2001 No scorecard available
4th Stallions 4-6 years old Intern. B Show Norway 28/Jun/2003 No scorecard available
2nd Stallions 4-6 years old Olympos 2004 19/Jun/2004 No scorecard available
2nd Senior Male Championship Olympos 2004 19/Jun/2004 No scorecard available
5th Stallions 4-9 years old Norway Intern. Championships 18/Jun/2005 No scorecard available
5th Stallions 4-6 years old Vilhelmsborg International 21/May/2005 No scorecard available
1st Stallions 7 years & over Czech National Show 03/Sep/2011 No scorecard available
Gold Senior Male Championship Czech National Show 03/Sep/2011 No scorecard available
AMERIKA 03 Feb 1999 Madjar Artemida (RU) Dopper Tersk
2nd Mares 7-10 years old Arabian Horse Weekend 27/Jun/2009 No scorecard available
Bronze Senior Female Championship Arabian Horse Weekend 27/Jun/2009 No scorecard available
4th Mares 7 years & over Dutch National Championships 15/Sep/2007 No scorecard available
2nd Mares 4-6 years old C national Show and Sport event 05/Jun/2005 No scorecard available
2nd Senior Female Championship C national Show and Sport event 05/Jun/2005 No scorecard available
3rd Mares 6 years old Dutch National Championships 17/Sep/2005 No scorecard available
1st Mares 4-9 years old Regional show 25/Jun/2006 No scorecard available
2nd Senior Female Championship Regional show 25/Jun/2006 No scorecard available
2nd Mares 6-7 years old Dutch National Championships 16/Sep/2006 No scorecard available
2nd Mares 7 years & over Dutch National C Show Zuid 14/Jun/2014 No scorecard available
1st Mares 9 years & over Dutch national C-Show 16/Jun/2012 No scorecard available
Gold Senior Female Championship Dutch national C-Show 16/Jun/2012 No scorecard available
MONOMAH 01 Jan 2003 Madjar Manana Tersk Tersk
3rd Stallions 4-5 years old St. Petersburg Open 30/Apr/2008 No scorecard available

0 matching dam(s).

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0 matching album(s).