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1 matching horse(s).

Name DOB Sire Dam Owner Breeder
MISS PSYTADEL 01 Jan 2007 Psytadel** Molvina Tersk Tersk
3rd Fillies 1-3 year old St. Petersburg Open 30/Apr/2008 No scorecard available
1st Mares 4-7 years old Star of Five Mountains 23/Aug/2013 No scorecard available
Silver Senior Female Championship Star of Five Mountains 23/Aug/2013 No scorecard available

0 matching owner(s).

0 matching breeder(s).

0 matching sire(s).

1 matching dam(s).

Name DOB Sire Dam Owner Breeder
RUBY ROSE TERSK 31 May 2012 Napevnij Miss Psytadel Tersk Stud Tersk Stud
1st Fillies 1 year old Novoterskiy Rising Star 25/May/2013 No scorecard available
1st Fillies 1 year old Star of Five Mountains 23/Aug/2013 No scorecard available
Silver Junior Female Championship Star of Five Mountains 23/Aug/2013 No scorecard available
5th Fillies 2 years old Arabia - Polska 3rd Warsaw Arabian Horse Festival 28/Jun/2014 No scorecard available
2nd Fillies 3 years old Zvezda Pyatigoria (Rising Star of Tersk) 21/Aug/2015 No scorecard available
1st Fillies 3 years old Rising Star of Tersk 30/May/2015 No scorecard available
Bronze Junior Female Championship Rising Star of Tersk 30/May/2015 No scorecard available

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