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1 matching horse(s).

Name DOB Sire Dam Owner Breeder
NEJANI PA 02 Jan 2003 Al Maraam Nenija Singh Ware
5th Colts 1 year old Intern. B Show 22/May/2004 No scorecard available
4th Colts 1 year old B AHS National Show 29/Jul/2004 No scorecard available
2nd Stallions 6 years and over Wales and West Arab Show 16/May/2009 No scorecard available
Silver Senior Male Championship Wales and West Arab Show 16/May/2009 No scorecard available
2nd Stallions 4-8 years old Midland Arabian Festival 29/Jun/2008 No scorecard available
1st Stallions 4-6 years old UK Gold Show 13/Sep/2008 No scorecard available
2nd Senior Male Championship UK Gold Show 13/Sep/2008 No scorecard available
2nd Colts 2 years old The Classic Arabian Show 10/Jul/2005 No scorecard available
2nd Colts 3 years old South East Arabian Horse Show 17/Jun/2006 No scorecard available
3rd Colts 3 years old Wales and West Arab Show 20/May/2006 No scorecard available
5th Stallions 7-9 years old Tulip Cup 07/May/2011 No scorecard available
2nd Stallions 4 years & over B Midland Arabian Festival 29/Jun/2014 No scorecard available
2nd Stallions 6 years & over South East Arabian Horse Group Summer Show 06/Jul/2014 No scorecard available
Silver Senior Male Championship South East Arabian Horse Group Summer Show 06/Jul/2014 No scorecard available
1st Stallions 8-12 years old NWAHO 07/Jun/2014 No scorecard available
Bronze Senior Male Championship NWAHO 07/Jun/2014 No scorecard available

0 matching owner(s).

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4 matching sire(s).

Name DOB Sire Dam Owner Breeder
TLC ENEJINO 26 May 2008 Nejani PA Erriqua Singh and Curtis Singh and Curtis
1st Colts 1 year old A Wales and West Arab Show 16/May/2009 No scorecard available
5th Colts 1 year old A AHS British National Championships 30/Jul/2009 No scorecard available
3rd Colts 1 year old North Staffs Group "C" Summer Show 11/Jul/2009 No scorecard available
2nd Colts 2 years old Hocon 05/Jun/2010 No scorecard available
1st Stallions 4 years & over S.E. Arabian Horse Group Summer C Show 01/Jul/2012 No scorecard available
Gold Senior Male Championship S.E. Arabian Horse Group Summer C Show 01/Jul/2012 No scorecard available
2nd Stallions 6 years & over Wales & West Arab Show 09/May/2015 No scorecard available
1st Stallions 4-7 years old NWAHO 20/Jun/2015 No scorecard available
Bronze Senior Male Championship NWAHO 20/Jun/2015 No scorecard available
1st Stallions 4-7 years old AHS National Championship Show 23/Jul/2015 No scorecard available
Gold Senior Male Championship AHS National Championship Show 23/Jul/2015 No scorecard available
TLC ENEJINO 26 May 2008 Nejani PA Erriqua Singh & Curtis Singh & Curtis
1st Colts 1 year old A Wales and West Arab Show 16/May/2009 No scorecard available
5th Colts 1 year old A AHS British National Championships 30/Jul/2009 No scorecard available
3rd Colts 1 year old North Staffs Group "C" Summer Show 11/Jul/2009 No scorecard available
2nd Colts 2 years old Hocon 05/Jun/2010 No scorecard available
1st Stallions 4 years & over S.E. Arabian Horse Group Summer C Show 01/Jul/2012 No scorecard available
Gold Senior Male Championship S.E. Arabian Horse Group Summer C Show 01/Jul/2012 No scorecard available
2nd Stallions 6 years & over Wales & West Arab Show 09/May/2015 No scorecard available
1st Stallions 4-7 years old NWAHO 20/Jun/2015 No scorecard available
Bronze Senior Male Championship NWAHO 20/Jun/2015 No scorecard available
1st Stallions 4-7 years old AHS National Championship Show 23/Jul/2015 No scorecard available
Gold Senior Male Championship AHS National Championship Show 23/Jul/2015 No scorecard available
TLC ENJJNO 01 Jan 2008 Nejani PA Erriqua Curtis & Singh Curtis & Singh
3rd Stallions 4-8 years old Hocon 02/Jun/2013 No scorecard available
4th Stallions 7-10 years *2008 - 2005 UKIAHS 29/Aug/2015 View Scorecard »

Score Card

TYPE 19.00 18.50 19.00 18.50 18.50
H&N 18.50 18.50 18.50 18.50 18.00
B&T 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00
LEGS 16.00 16.50 16.50 16.00 16.00
MOVE 19.00 18.50 19.00 18.50 19.00





B Cedes Bakker, NL
C Benny Freme, SE
D Mark Ismer, DE
E Joseph Polo, US
F Renata Schibler, CH

Horse Information

D.O.B 25 May 2008 Breeder MR. T CURTIS & MISS. C SINGH
Color Grey Owner MR. T CURTIS & MISS. C SINGH
Sire NEJANI PA Handler

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