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0 matching show(s).

1 matching horse(s).

Name DOB Sire Dam Owner Breeder
NORMATIV 22 Mar 1997 Mascat Narta Schaefer Khrenovoe Stud
5th Stallions 7 years & over I. German Elite Cup 29/Jun/2001 No scorecard available
2nd Stallions 11 years & over 19th All Nations Cup 29/Aug/2001 No scorecard available
1st Stallions 11 years & over Intern. Ostbayern-Schau 08/Sep/2001 No scorecard available
1st Stallions 11 years & over Elran Arabian Cup 2001 18/Aug/2001 No scorecard available
2nd Stallions 10 years & over European Championships 03/Nov/2001 No scorecard available
1st Stallions 7 years & over Int. B Show 25/Aug/2001 No scorecard available
1st Senior Male Championship Int. B Show 25/Aug/2001 No scorecard available

0 matching owner(s).

0 matching breeder(s).

14 matching sire(s).

Name DOB Sire Dam Owner Breeder
ARITIV 24 Jun 1997 Normativ Ariana Tamblyn-Hayward Tamblyn-Hayward
1st Colts 2 years old South West Reg.Gr.AHS 20/Jun/1999 No scorecard available
SPRING KANTATA 01 Jan 1997 Normativ Sunlea Kaprina Lyall Bethell
2nd Fillies 2 years old S.E. Reg. Group AHS, South of England Show 03/Jul/1999 No scorecard available
2nd Fillies 3 years old Royal Bath & West 31/May/2000 No scorecard available
2nd Fillies 3 years old A British Nationals 27/Jul/2000 No scorecard available
1st Mares 4-7 years old HoCon Open Arab Show 03/Jun/2001 No scorecard available
2nd Mares 4-6 years old UKIAHS 25/Aug/2001 No scorecard available
3rd Mares 4 years & over A AHS National Show 01/Aug/2002 No scorecard available
3rd Mares 4-7 years old North West Regional AHS 04/May/2002 No scorecard available
5th Mares 4-6 years old B The International Arabian Horse Show 20/Jul/2002 No scorecard available
1st Fillies 1 year old A Royal Bath & West Show 28/May/1998 No scorecard available
2nd Fillies 1 year old B British Nationals 30/Jul/1998 No scorecard available
ARANKA S 10 Mar 2001 Normativ Arkada Schäfer Schäfer
1st Fillies 1 year old 3rd Czech National Show 27/Jul/2002 No scorecard available
1st Junior Female Championship 3rd Czech National Show 27/Jul/2002 No scorecard available
2nd Fillies 3 years old Deutsches Nationales Championat 25/Jun/2004 No scorecard available
VERY POSITIV 30 Jul 2000 Normativ Very Presious Doubravsky Stephens
1st Fillies 2 years old 3rd Czech National Show 27/Jul/2002 No scorecard available
2nd Junior Female Championship 3rd Czech National Show 27/Jul/2002 No scorecard available
TAYSON 01 Jan 1996 Normat Tayna Ksk Scoros Oros Stud
1st Stallions 4-8 years old St. Petersburg Open C Show 03/Apr/2004 No scorecard available
2nd Senior Male Championship St. Petersburg Open C Show 03/Apr/2004 No scorecard available
2nd Stallions 7 years & over Russian National Show 21/Aug/2004 No scorecard available
DILMUN 01 Jan 1999 Normativ Dallasaan Vincent Shaw
3rd Geldings Devon County Show 20/May/2004 No scorecard available
3rd Geldings 4 years old & over South West Regional AHS group 11/Jul/2004 No scorecard available
3rd Geldings 4 years old & over Royal Bath & West 02/Jun/2004 No scorecard available
MIMOE 28 Jun 2004 Normativ Mirina Gerstenmeier Reimund
5th Fillies 3 years old Orientalica 27/May/2007 No scorecard available
1st Fillies 3 years old Arabica 26/May/2007 No scorecard available
1st Junior Female Championship Arabica 26/May/2007 No scorecard available
2nd Fillies 3 years old Int. Tage des Arab. Pferdes 14/Jul/2007 No scorecard available
4th Fillies 3 years old Int. Tage des Arab. Pferdes 14/Jul/2007 No scorecard available
1st Fillies 3 years old German National Championships 28/Sep/2007 No scorecard available
Top Five Junior Female Championship German National Championships 28/Sep/2007 No scorecard available
1st Fillies 3 years old Casino-Cup-Baden 01/Sep/2007 No scorecard available
1st Fillies 3 years old LowLand Arabian Cup 04/Aug/2007 No scorecard available
LR NORMA 01 Jan 2004 Normativ Countess Mira Doimo Allev. Monterosso
3rd Fillies 3 years old II Festa del Purosangue Arabo in Umbria 07/Jul/2007 No scorecard available
LARA S 12 Jan 2002 Normativ Lacinia Hrabalova Schaefer
1st Mares 4-7 years old National Championship 26/Jul/2008 No scorecard available
2nd Senior Female Championship National Championship 26/Jul/2008 No scorecard available
GINA S 16 Jan 2004 Normativ Galina Kralova Schaefer
2nd Mares 4-7 years old National Championship 26/Jul/2008 No scorecard available
NADZIH 21 Jan 2004 Normativ Anatevka S Racakova Sagat
1st Stallions 4-7 years old National Championship 26/Jul/2008 No scorecard available
1st Senior Male Championship National Championship 26/Jul/2008 No scorecard available
1st Stallions 6 years & over IX. Czech National Show 04/Sep/2010 No scorecard available
Gold Senior Male Championship IX. Czech National Show 04/Sep/2010 No scorecard available
WIREK 14 Mar 2002 Normativ Wielejka Kralova Schaefer
4th Stallions 4-7 years old National Championship 26/Jul/2008 No scorecard available
PANDORO 24 Apr 2009 Normativ Poema Soltau Soltau
2nd Colts 3 years old Arabica Frankfurt International 2012 27/May/2012 No scorecard available
DERFEL CADARN 10 Jun 1997 Normativ Dallasaan Shaw Shaw
5th Colts 1 year old A British Nationals 30/Jul/1998 No scorecard available

0 matching dam(s).

0 matching officials.

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0 matching album(s).