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0 matching show(s).

2 matching horse(s).

Name DOB Sire Dam Owner Breeder
PSYCHE BEY* 25 May 2001 Padrons Psyche*** Tuscany Bey Ware River Valley Farm
3rd Colts 1 year old Scandinavian Open Championships 06/Jul/2002 No scorecard available
1st Colts 1 year old Intern. B Show 25/May/2002 No scorecard available
1st Junior Male Championship Intern. B Show 25/May/2002 No scorecard available
1st Colts 1 year old UKIAHS 24/Aug/2002 No scorecard available
2nd Junior Male Championship UKIAHS 24/Aug/2002 No scorecard available
1st Colts 2 years old The International Arabian Horse Show 14/Jun/2003 No scorecard available
2nd Junior Male Championship The International Arabian Horse Show 14/Jun/2003 No scorecard available
2nd Colts 2 years old Int. B show Wels 03/May/2003 No scorecard available
1st Colts 2 years old UKIAHS 23/Aug/2003 No scorecard available
1st Colts 2 years old A AHS National Show 31/Jul/2003 No scorecard available
5th Colts 2 years old Elran Cup 16/Aug/2003 No scorecard available
1st Colts 2 years old Scandinavian Open Championships 05/Jul/2003 No scorecard available
2nd Junior Male Championship Scandinavian Open Championships 05/Jul/2003 No scorecard available
1st Colts 2 years old B Show Oberstdorf 19/Jul/2003 No scorecard available
BA PSYCHE BEY 21 Feb 2003 Psytadel** SA Kerima Barta Barta
1st Colts 1 year old Danube Arabian Trophy 23/Jul/2004 No scorecard available
1st Junior Male Championship Danube Arabian Trophy 23/Jul/2004 No scorecard available
3rd Stallions 7-10 years old International Championships Wels 2013 11/May/2013 No scorecard available
2nd Stallions 7-10 years old Austrian National Championship 2013 11/May/2013 No scorecard available

0 matching owner(s).

0 matching breeder(s).

3 matching sire(s).

Name DOB Sire Dam Owner Breeder
THE SENTINEL 01 Jan 2010 Psyche Bey* Sunnah Brown Whitlow
1st Colts 1 year old Wales & West Arab Show 14/May/2011 No scorecard available
Silver Junior Male Championship Wales & West Arab Show 14/May/2011 No scorecard available
1st Colts 1 year old Northern Arabian Horse Show 19/Jun/2011 No scorecard available
Silver Junior Male Championship Northern Arabian Horse Show 19/Jun/2011 No scorecard available
2nd Geldings 1-3 years old The Classic Show 18/May/2013 No scorecard available
2nd Geldings 2-3 years old North Western Arab Class C Show 26/May/2013 No scorecard available
1st Geldings 2-3 years old North Staff Arabian Horse Show 13/Jul/2013 No scorecard available
1st Geldings B Midland Arabian Festival 28/Jun/2015 No scorecard available
2nd Geldings 4-8 years old HOCON 06/Jun/2015 No scorecard available
2nd Colts 2 years old North Western Arab Class C Show 27/May/2012 No scorecard available
1st Colts 1 year old Northern Arabian Horse Show 17/Jun/2012 No scorecard available
Silver Junior Male Championship Northern Arabian Horse Show 17/Jun/2012 No scorecard available
ABEYDOU W 29 Mar 2007 BA Psyche Bey Bess-Brittza Weber-Kappel Weissinger
3rd Geldings Arabica 24/May/2014 No scorecard available
Geldings 4-6 years * 2011 - 2009 UKIAHS 29/Aug/2015 No scorecard available

0 matching dam(s).

0 matching officials.

0 matching articles.

0 matching documents.

0 matching album(s).