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1 matching dam(s).

Name DOB Sire Dam Owner Breeder
MALAK ALHADIBIA 14 Feb 2020 D RAAD SULTANH AL THAMERIYA Zamel Hamed Saaed Al Khuzaai - Al-Hudaybiyah Stud Zamel .Hamed .Saaed Al Khuzaai - Al-Hudaybiyah Stud
Yearling Fillies D The 10th Arabian Horse Show for Local Breeders 2021 29/Sep/2021 No scorecard available
12th Fillies 2 years old B Makkah Arabian Horse Show 2022 10/Nov/2022 View Scorecard »

Score Card

C.J. A.N. C.V. A.H. E.G.
TYPE 18.5 18 19 19 19
H&N 18.5 18 19 18.5 18.5
BODY 17.5 17.5 18 17.5 17.5
LEGS 15.5 15 15.5 15.5 15.5
MOVE 19 18.5 19 19 19





C.J. Christine Jamar - Demeersseman, BE
A.N. Ann Nordén, SE
C.V. Cristina Valdés y Colon de Carvajal, ES
A.H. Ahmed Sobhi Hamza, EG
E.G. Eric Gear, FR

Horse Information

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