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0 matching show(s).

1 matching horse(s).

Name DOB Sire Dam Owner Breeder
THE FROSTED ORANGE 11 Feb 1982 The Prince of Orange Holly Blue Dursley Harris
3rd Veteran Stallions B AHS National Show 29/Jul/2004 No scorecard available
2nd Veteran Stallions B AHS British National Championships 28/Jul/2005 No scorecard available

0 matching owner(s).

0 matching breeder(s).

2 matching sire(s).

Name DOB Sire Dam Owner Breeder
ORTANIQUE 04 Jan 1994 The Frosted Orange El Kabrouka Trumper Dursley
1st Geldings South of England 16/May/2002 No scorecard available
3rd Geldings Devon County Show 15/May/2008 No scorecard available
3rd Geldings Devon County Show 19/May/2005 No scorecard available
3rd Geldings Devon County Show 18/May/2006 No scorecard available
1st Veteran Geldings The South West Arab Horse Group 17/Jul/2011 No scorecard available
1st Veteran Geldings The South West Arab Horse Group 15/Jul/2012 No scorecard available
1st Veteran Geldings Spring All Breeds Festival 05/May/2013 No scorecard available
1st Veteran Geldings The South West Arab Horse Show 07/Jul/2013 No scorecard available
3rd Veteran Geldings Spring All Breeds Festival 05/May/2014 No scorecard available
1st Veteran Geldings South West Arab Horse Group 06/Jul/2014 No scorecard available
1st Geldings 4 years old & over South West Arab Horse Show 21/Jun/1998 No scorecard available
1st Colts 3 years old Belgian Nationals 31/Aug/1996 No scorecard available
2nd Junior Male Championship Belgian Nationals 31/Aug/1996 No scorecard available
1st Colts 3 years old Nationale Dag van het Arabisch Paard 27/Jul/1996 No scorecard available
KRYZTAL OF ORANGE 10 May 2007 The Frosted Orange Krasna Dursley Landon
3rd Fillies 2 years old South East Arabian Horse Show, Summer "C" Show 22/Aug/2009 No scorecard available

0 matching dam(s).

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