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1 matching dam(s).

Name DOB Sire Dam Owner Breeder
JUDALS MIRAGE 19 Aug 2002 Ruger AMW Tea Miran Moody Pyrah & Hunt
1st Colts 1 year old UKIAHS 23/Aug/2003 No scorecard available
1st Junior Male Championship UKIAHS 23/Aug/2003 No scorecard available
1st Colts 1 year old A AHS National Show 31/Jul/2003 No scorecard available
1st Junior Male Championship AHS National Show 31/Jul/2003 No scorecard available
Top 10 Colts 1-3 year old World Championships 05/Dec/2003 No scorecard available
1st Colts 2 years old HoCon AHS Summer Show 06/Jun/2004 No scorecard available
1st Junior Male Championship HoCon AHS Summer Show 06/Jun/2004 No scorecard available
4th Colts 2 years old UKIAHS 28/Aug/2004 No scorecard available
1st Geldings 4 years old & over U.K.I.A.H.S. 29/Aug/2009 No scorecard available
2nd Colts 3 years old Intern. Tage des Arabischen Pferdes 16/Jul/2005 No scorecard available
3rd Colts 3 years old Elran Cup 20/Aug/2005 No scorecard available
1st Stallions 4-7 years old The Classic Arabian Show 08/Jul/2006 No scorecard available
1st Senior Male Championship The Classic Arabian Show 08/Jul/2006 No scorecard available
3rd Veteran Geldings Northern Arabian Horse Ltd 13/Jun/2015 No scorecard available
3rd Geldings 4 years old & over B AHS National Show 26/Jul/2012 No scorecard available
2nd Geldings 4-6 years old European Championships For Arabian Horses, "Zilveren Spoor" 30/Oct/2010 No scorecard available

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