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6 matching sire(s).

Name DOB Sire Dam Owner Breeder
FARID GAWDAT 06 Nov 2001 Thee Sharif Amir Farida Hoda Al Hoda Al Hoda
3rd Colts 2 years old The Egyptian Nationals 12/Oct/2003 No scorecard available
5th Stallions 4-6 years old Egyptian National Championships 04/Mar/2005 No scorecard available
5th Stallions 4-5 years old Egyptian National Championships 03/Mar/2006 No scorecard available
ADHAM GAWDAT 25 Mar 2000 Thee Sharif Amir Farhana Gawdat Gawdat Gawdat
2nd Colts 3 years old The Egyptian Nationals 12/Oct/2003 No scorecard available
3rd Stallions 6 years & over Egyptian National Championships 03/Mar/2006 No scorecard available
MAHA GAWDAT 24 Feb 2002 Thee Sharif Amir Ghaliat Hoda Al Hoda Al Hoda
4th Fillies 3 years old Egyptian National Championships 04/Mar/2005 No scorecard available
EZZ EL DIN GAWDAT 01 Jan 2002 Thee Sharif Amir MB Daleeya Al Hoda Al Hoda
3rd Colts 3 years old Egyptian National Championships 04/Mar/2005 No scorecard available
EZZ ELDIN GAWDAT 01 Jan 2002 Thee Sharif Amir MB Daleeya Gawdat Al Hoda
3rd Stallions 4-5 years old Egyptian National Championships 03/Mar/2006 No scorecard available
BARAKA GAWDAT 07 Apr 1999 Thee Sharif Amir Pretty Woman Gawdat Al Hoda
4th Stallions 6 years & over Egyptian National Championships 03/Mar/2006 No scorecard available

0 matching dam(s).

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