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1 matching horse(s).

Name DOB Sire Dam Owner Breeder
OAS VENDETTA 23 Apr 2002 Massallah Rose of Bediya Le'vell Le'vell
2nd Geldings 4 years old & over Wessex Arabian Horse Show 10/Jun/2007 No scorecard available

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6 matching dam(s).

Name DOB Sire Dam Owner Breeder
3rd Stallions 4-5 years St. Petersburg International Cup 30/Apr/2016 View Scorecard »

Score Card

K.B. A.A. S.E. H.A. T.T.
TYPE 17.00 17.50 18.00 18.00 18.00
H&N 17.00 17.00 18.00 18.00 17.50
B&T 17.00 17.50 17.00 17.50 17.00
LEGS 15.50 15.50 15.50 16.00 15.50
MOVE 19.00 18.50 19.00 18.50 18.50





K.B. Klaus G. Beste, DE
A.A. HRH Alia Al Hussein, JO
S.E. Sylvie Eberhardt, DE
H.A. Hassanain Al-Nakeeb, GB
T.T. Tomasz Tarczynski, PL

Horse Information

D.O.B 01 Jan 1970 Breeder
Color Bay Owner
Sire POBEDITEL Handler
VIARDO 01 Jan 2007 Pobeditel Vendetta Belov Tersk
2nd Fillies 1-3 year old Russian National Championships 22/Aug/2009 No scorecard available
2nd Junior Female Championship Russian National Championships 22/Aug/2009 No scorecard available
VIKAIR 11 01 Jan 2006 Kair Vendetta Kirillova Tersk
3rd Colts 1-3 year old Russian National Championships 22/Aug/2009 No scorecard available
REYKJAVIK TERSK 31 Mar 2012 Nizami Vendetta Dokhoyan Tersk Stud
2nd Colts 2 years old Rising Star of Tersk (RAHBA) 30/May/2014 No scorecard available
2nd Colts 2 years old Star of Five Mountains (RAHBA) 22/Aug/2014 No scorecard available
Silver Junior Male Championship Star of Five Mountains (RAHBA) 22/Aug/2014 No scorecard available
3rd Colts 3 years old Zvezda Pyatigoria (Rising Star of Tersk) 21/Aug/2015 No scorecard available
VIN DISEL 01 Jan 2011 Pobeditel Vendetta Avtorhanov Tersk Stud
3rd Stallions 4 years & over Russian National Championships 29/Aug/2015 No scorecard available
VENTA 27 Feb 2004 Balaton**** Vendetta Tersk Stud Tersk Stud
1st Mares 11 years & over Zvezda Pyatigoria (Rising Star of Tersk) 21/Aug/2015 No scorecard available
Gold Senior Female Championship Zvezda Pyatigoria (Rising Star of Tersk) 21/Aug/2015 No scorecard available

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