Statement about agony breeding

ECAHO statement regarding alleged agony breeding in Arabian horses

2017 marks the 34th anniversary of the foundation of ECAHO by 10 national Arabian horse organizations that later expanded throughout Europe, Northern Africa and the Middle-East, to ensure fair competition and animal welfare at Arabian horse shows. Since then, representatives of the ECAHO member countries meet regularly to evaluate the current standings and development of welfare with regard to Arabian horse shows, and continuously strive to improve the rules and conditions for exhibitors, spectators, officials and last, but for sure not least the horses.

Recently the media focused its' attention on the breeding of extreme Arabian type, insinuating that it is a commonpractice to produce horses which may have medical or performance issues due to the extreme shape of the head. To date we are not aware of any scientific evidence that this condition leads to narrowing of the airways and/or reduction of breathing performance. 

Nevertheless, the Executive Committee wishes to clearly state that, although ECAHO has no means to directly influence individual breeding decisions, any breeding for a type of horse which could be at risk of medical or performance problems, is strongly condemned.

Despite the fact that Arabian horses with great beauty and type are highly appreciated,  ECAHO strongly opposes any intentional agony breeding and it is our sincere position that purposely breeding for over-extreme type should not reflect the goals of ECAHO breeding- and studbook association members and should not be rewarded at ECAHO shows.

ECAHO Executive Committee

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