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0 matching show(s).

1 matching horse(s).

Name DOB Sire Dam Owner Breeder
PIBER 01 Jan 1996 Pamir* (PL) Pilina Janow Podlaski Janow Podlaski
5th Stallions 4-8 years old Polish Nationals 11/Aug/2000 No scorecard available
3rd Stallions 4-6 years old Poznan-Wola Show 05/Oct/2002 No scorecard available
4th Stallions 4-8 years old Polish National Championships 16/Aug/2002 No scorecard available
5th Stallions 4-8 years old Polish National Championships 14/Aug/2004 No scorecard available
4th Stallions 9 years & over Polish National Championships 07/Aug/2009 No scorecard available
3rd Stallions 9 years & over Polish National Championships 11/Aug/2007 No scorecard available
2nd Stallions 9 years & over Polish National Championships 09/Aug/2008 No scorecard available
2nd Stallions 9 years & over Belzyce Arabian Horse Show 18/Jun/2005 No scorecard available
2nd Stallions 9 years & over Arabian Horse Show - Falborek 2005 22/Jul/2005 No scorecard available
2nd Stallions 9 years & over Polish National Championships 13/Aug/2005 No scorecard available
5th Stallions 9 years & over Polish National Championships 12/Aug/2006 No scorecard available
1st Stallions 8 years & over Autumn National C Show 02/Sep/2006 No scorecard available
2nd Senior Male Championship Autumn National C Show 02/Sep/2006 No scorecard available
3rd Colts 1 year old Junior Spring Show 06/Jun/1997 No scorecard available
3rd Colts 2 years old Junior Spring Show 31/May/1998 No scorecard available

0 matching owner(s).

0 matching breeder(s).

5 matching sire(s).

Name DOB Sire Dam Owner Breeder
8th Mares 7 years + Arabian Masters 20/May/2017 No scorecard available
Erabea 30 Dec 2004 Piber Elandra
5th Mares 11 years and older Nordic Open 17/Jun/2017 No scorecard available
Erabea 01 Jan 1943 Piber Elandra
3rd Senior Mares 2013+ - Novice European Amateur Cup 06/May/2017 View Scorecard »

Score Card

F.A. B.V. R.H.
Type 92.00 80.00 89.00
Head & Neck 94.00 84.00 87.00
Body & topline 94.00 82.00 82.00
Legs 80.00 74.00 78.00
Movement 90.00 82.00 80.00
Harmony between handles and horse 90.00 82.00 77.00
Presentation 87.00 81.00 79.00





F.A. Frances Atkinson, GB
B.V. Bertrand Valette, FR
R.H. Robbie den Hartog, NL

Horse Information

D.O.B 01 Jan 1943 Breeder
Color Grey Owner
Sire Piber Handler
Dam Elandra
GEMELLIA 23 Feb 2005 Piber Georgia Gozdzialski Michalow
4th Mares 4-6 years old Austrian International 15/May/2010 No scorecard available
1st Mares 7-10 years old A Polish National Championships 15/Aug/2014 No scorecard available
4th Mares 4-6 years old A Polish National Championship 06/Aug/2010 No scorecard available
ERABEA 01 Jan 2005 Piber Erlandra Els SK Michalow
1st Mares 6-9 years old Bairactar Memorial 23/Jun/2012 No scorecard available
Gold Senior Female Championship Bairactar Memorial 23/Jun/2012 No scorecard available

0 matching dam(s).

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0 matching album(s).